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 Category >>  Spirituality
About native mandalas
Natal Mandalas combines power and effects of mandala with natal personal pattern. Like a chart, personal mandala is created based on the date of birth, because of this is a personal mandala. Birthday each of us is actually a personal numerological code intimately linked to what we are
 Category >>  Sacred Geometry
Pentagon - symbol of human perfection
Pentagon pointing up symbolizes the aspiration to the sublime, the ascension to the Divine. It is full of spiritual force, it is complex and dynamic. The Pentagon is related geometrically and symbolically to the five pointing star. Uniting all pentagon points results a star which is a powerful symbol of magic, perhaps the oldest and most powerful of magic symbols. Reversed, the five pointing star is a negative symbol channeling energies downward. Because it has a horizontal line at the base, the pentagon means also the stability, thereby enriching the range of meanings
 Category >>  Sacred Geometry
Triangle - a symbol of fire
namism and power of penetration. Triangles with larger base induce a state of stability, while smaller triangles base suggests a more pronounced movement. It is a good remedy to obtain stability but also dynamism to inert and inactive persons. Penetration increases mental insight and develop memory.
 Category >>  Numerology
Eight - the number force and action
Eight represent task forces, the specific vibration of managers, leaders. It is a powerful figure that gives control, power and wealth, the number of success. The number eight is leads the way providing optimal and effective action
 Category >>  Sacred Geometry
Rays of Wisdom
Wise lives wonderful, fool talk about a wonderful life. The supreme truth is only One fools have divided! Inner wealth flows out, inner poverty springs dry. Hurry answers questions kills! Fearful see love as a weakness and heroes extract their power from love. Evolution of the spirit is from outside gesture by inside gesture. Freedom of spirit is when the outside the rules enters into heart. Cheating game of evil is to leave "discovered" outside to better hide inside
 Category >>  Numerology
Nine - the number of spiritual maturity
Nine returns back to one, but more enriched itself by accumulating all the valences of the other numbers, so closes an evolutionary cycle. Nine is related to other worlds opening with elevated spiritual intuition, perceptions from other plans with paranormal powers with clairvoyance and spiritual realization. Beings who have assimilated this vibration easily empathize with others, are opened to encompassing love, mature and unconditional
 Category >>  Chromatics
Yellow - the color of the will
reducing feelings of enervation, violence and anger. Yellow is a radiant color that comes strongly towards the viewer, comes in evidence easily, creating strong contrasts with dark colors especially black. It is a suitable color for advertising that comes with power, aggressively towards the viewer's, attention poaching. Has a good influence to the solar plexus and digestive fire favors improving digestion and assimilation of food. Simultaneously increases concentration and speed reaction
 Category >>  Numerology
Zero - the number of void and emptiness
Even if it has to do with death, nothingness, denial, loss and even annihilation, zero is actually a way to reach the highest spiritual peaks by waiving all manifestations of Creation. When you give up everything win it Allin fact. Zero reveals mysterious and deeply transformative losses power of any kind. It involves rebirth, harmonization of body and all its functions. Paradoxically zero can help us overcome fear of death and preservation instinct of the ego with awareness of the eternal divine transcendence
 Category >>  Mandalas art 2
Circles of power

 Category >>  Mandalas art 1
Love Power

 Category >>  Mandalas art 1
Real Power

The most searching words: emrys, ratio, forma, sacred geometry, strong, right, life, sacred, light, spirit, mandala, geometry, color, creat, symbol, love, because, divine, art, divin, univers, star, spiritual, open, number, help, magic, mandalas, electronic music, music, blue, flower, create, world, galleries, chromatic, aspect, being, numerology, creation

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