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 Category >>  Spirituality
About my art
My art was born from the desire to express what you can not express and describe in words, from desire to transmit to the others states of mind impossible to describe otherwise. Follow that through art to create mirrors of the soul and inner gates through which we have access to the spiritual
 Category >>  Spirituality
About native mandalas
Natal Mandalas combines power and effects of mandala with natal personal pattern. Like a chart, personal mandala is created based on the date of birth, because of this is a personal mandala. Birthday each of us is actually a personal numerological code intimately linked to what we are
 Category >>  Numerology
Golden number - universal Divine proportion
At the beginning of creation The Unique God divided Himself into two parts in a proportion very well defined in such a way the One Divine to rediscover and to reflect Himself on each side. Only in this way can be perfectly symmetrical creation and harmony in itself
 Category >>  Numerology
Seven - the number reuniting with Divinity
Seven is the spirit number, of reuniting with divinity symbolizing belief in God and the higher Divine forces. Tions that overcome land represent and start overcoming spiritual evolution
 Category >>  Numerology
Six - the number of creation and manifestation
thereby the six is number of creation and manifestation. Number six represent concentration and harmonious human forces that gives man spiritual beauty and nobility. Because six is obtained by doubling of three can say that symbolism taken from three and add new aspects. Number six gives artistic and creative skills and help us maintain and develop their us a remarkable sense of balance and beauty. Develop intuition and artistic receptivity
 Category >>  Numerology
Five - the number of human perfection
Five is the number of human perfection, the human body enroll in pointing up pentagon with five peaks. There are five senses (hearing, touch, sight, taste and smell), five major organs (brain, heart, liver, lungs and kidneys), five fingers on each hand and each foot. Five gives sharp intellect
 Category >>  Numerology
Four - number of materiality
On number four builds resistance structure is the fundamental basis on which supports every aspect and idea. Also represents pragmatism, realism, logical thinking and organization. From here arise also negative aspects to the physical limitation that keep us earthbound and materiality. It can be said that the highest aspiration four oppose through weight and inertia that gives. Four is related to the seasons and the phases of the moon. It looks like the figure four oppose spirituality. Due to the positive aspects as organization
 Category >>  Numerology
Two - the number of primordial duality
This number represents two primary forces, universal, original trends, ie attraction and repulsion of dualities, north-south, plus-minus, male-female. In all creation we see this infinitely rich game of polarities, directions, tendencies, this eternal love game's. Every part has a counterpart, this universal law of polarities available can help us in many aspects of life if we understand well and correctly apply. Number two is couple number of forces, if we understand the deep meanings, we can strike a balance and a great control over the manifestation
 Category >>  Numerology
One - the unique God number
all the numbers have gone from one, is the unification of all dualities and opposites, the male-female polarity, up-down, light-darkness, good-evil, life-death . In the tantric spiritual tradition symbolizes the lingam full of force and potency. Number one contains all and start all from it, is totality, beginning and origin, the initial impulse. One also represents individuality, uniqueness. On a personal level, beings are characterized by one are unifying, peace loving, we can say that is simultaneously leader typology, the innovator, the opener roads
 Category >>  Sacred Geometry
Rhombus - the symbol of matter and spirit unification
Because rhombus contains vertical and horizontal directions simultaneously, we can say that is the symbol of the unification of matter and spirit. Unites heaven and earth, the direction of elevation, aspiration to divinity and horizontally material oriented
 Category >>  Chromatics
Turquoise - the color of beatitude
It is the color of summer, youthful color that refreshes and soothes too. It is recommended in the treatment of lung disease in calming and balancing the heart rate, the respiratory breath awareness and balance. It is a color that is related to healing.
 Category >>  Chromatics
Green - the color of regeneration
Green color has a cool and refreshing shade, obtained if mix it with turquoise. It neutralizes the color red, and in combination with red, without admixture them give a complex and balanced effect of hot and cold, energy and regeneration. Stimulate growth, normalizes heart function. Because stimulate growth is not generally indicated in the treatment of tumors or cancer. It is a good strong rejuvenating and vitalizing, stimulating the activity of all the organs and functions of the body. Because opening, soothes and harmonizes the emotional level
 Category >>  Chromatics
Red - the color of energy
Red is a good revitalizing and erotic refreshing. Increases vitality and is an aphrodisiac, stimulating virility and help feminine erotic opening. Increases heart rate, raises blood pressure and breathing frequency. It is contraindicated for people with high blood pressure.
 Category >>  Chromatics
Grey - the color neutrality
accidental its spread even in art, it requires a new paradigm to counterbalance. It is necessary to open our being to intense and alive colors, with strong spiritual connotations and healing. It is very necessary to give color to life as much as possible, that all the ways. Gray is not used in therapy.
 Category >>  Chromatics
White - symbol of Divine Light
openness to spirituality and Divinity. Fill all of shine and makes possible the manifestation of colors and shapes. It is the color that helps us see ourselves as we are, we accept and transcend the ego. White is highly used in probing the subconscious to bring to light the hidden and repressed parts of us. White mixed with one of the other colors light up, so has the ability to purify and to elevate colors. White is related to an important characteristic, namely color brightness. Colors can be divided by the proportion of white light and dark colors. Near black
 Category >>  Sacred Geometry
Spiral - a symbol of evolution
It is an excellent remedy against obsessions, stereotypes, vices and repeating negative tendencies. A very interesting spiral is the golden spiral, logarithmic, based on the number of gold, it has the property to grow by quarter circles that increase at every step by the proportion of gold. Thus the growth rate of evolution, is Universal primary rate, even rhythm generated by the Divine. The golden spiral is the symbol of ideal spiritual evolution, registered on optimal way, the shortest to the Divine
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