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 Category >>  Spirituality
About native mandalas
Native mandala will be created in a few days after the advance payment and will be sent uncompressed digital of 3508x3508 pixels with excellent quality. This format can be printed and designed to very large, practically unlimited. The price of a mandala is 55€ with an advance of 35€.
 Category >>  Sacred Geometry
Point - the symbol of the One God
the unification of opposites, the male-female polarity, up-down, light-darkness, good-evil, life-death. Point is the source from which everything arises and in which everything turns, is the explosion and implosion of the universe, it is the symbol of supreme consciousness, non-formal and bond strength and cohesion of all that is. Originally The Unique projected and split herself in all its divisions, thus creating the world of names and forms, world which unites back in same Unique Divine. Mandalas created by Emrys
 Category >>  Numerology
Zero - the number of void and emptiness
Even if it has to do with death, nothingness, denial, loss and even annihilation, zero is actually a way to reach the highest spiritual peaks by waiving all manifestations of Creation. When you give up everything win it Allin fact. Zero reveals mysterious and deeply transformative losses power of any kind. It involves rebirth, harmonization of body and all its functions. Paradoxically zero can help us overcome fear of death and preservation instinct of the ego with awareness of the eternal divine transcendence
 Category >>  Chromatics
Red - the color of energy
creates stress, fatigue and excessive targeting of energy down even boosting animal impulses. Red dirt is the very symbol of negativity and evil. Red light, combined with the white, pink approach and becomes pure color so with a large benefit potential, has to do with transmutation, transformation of all that is coarse and inferior in elevated aspects, has to do with negative emotions alchemizing. In the current period of human evolution need more red light. The brightness of this color combined with the red specific properties
 Category >>  Numerology
Four - number of materiality
Four is related to the seasons and the phases of the moon. It looks like the figure four oppose spirituality. Due to the positive aspects as organization, determination and perseverance number four still help us very much in spiritual practices in transformation and evolution. It is also a number that can help in the initiation of couple relationships, business, due to durability that gives. By assimilating four number vibration or start date and time correlation of four can plan and launch large projects that require durability
 Category >>  Music therapy
Sublime Dance of Angels
Song duration: 11:43 minutes Encoding: mp3 320kbps Demo is free to listen, buying the whole song you will have private access to download in mp3 format
 Category >>  Chill and Meditation
The Ocean of Light
Song duration: 15:01 minutes Demo is free to listen, buying the whole song you will have private access to download in mp3 format
 Category >>  Chill and Meditation
Sublime Dance of Angels
Song with two mix: 11:43 minutes full mix 6:01 minute short mix Demo is free to listen, buying the whole song you will have private access to download in mp3 format
 Category >>  Chill and Meditation
Unlimited Consciousness
Song duration: 5:34 minutes Demo is free to listen, buying the whole song you will have private access to download in mp3 format

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