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About native mandalas |
The basic elements simplify, unify and align our personal tendencies with the universal rhythm, so we can become more balanced and united with everything around us, with nature, with others and with the universe. Fractal Network will enrich us will make us more open to our unlimited potential Divine, we will break the barriers and limitations, we will abandon programs and mental patterns that keep us now in a common and repetitive world
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Sacred Geometry
Spiral - a symbol of evolution |
spiral dynamics leads easily and naturally to the center, being opposite by labyrinth from this viewpoint. It's a great way to focus the attention, centering disturbing energies, optimization of evolution and reminder of the spiritual mission in this lifetime.
Being completely open always able growth, the spiral symbol can get us out from vicious cycle, self-sustaining, where we entered. Can open us to our infinite potential, forces us to growth and protects us from stagnation in all levels of being. It is an excellent remedy against obsessions, stereotypes
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About my art |
Follow that through art to create mirrors of the soul and inner gates through which we have access to the spiritual, harmonious, sublime world. Art can bring us all the habits of daily life, can help us overcome our problems, opens the door to beauty and to higher states of consciousness. We can overcome such mental patterns that we have closed to others, to nature and the universe.
In a world where we are continously hunted from all sides, by multiple stress
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White - symbol of Divine Light |
White is the most spiritual color symbolizes uncreated Divine Light. Because contains in itself all the colors has related to totality and Infinity. White elevates being, is the color of purity, openness to spirituality and Divinity
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Sacred Geometry
Square - a symbol of stability and of matter |
matter, weights and inertia. By vertical lines, we can say that the square has a dynamic, vertically oriented. Because it has all sides equal the square gives equality and congruence.
Is related to four basic directions, up-down, left-right and east-west, south-north. The square is a figure open to outer space by all four directions. It fits perfectly with the physical known plan of 3+1 dimensions. It is very useful in any activity which require a solid support, for example in construction.
Square offers the math possibility to get by division and numbers configurations
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Violet - elevated and spiritual color |
It's great for bringing hope, out from routine to opening new spiritual horizons. Violet acting directly on brain functions, facilitates penetration of mental and activates the right hemisphere and other unused areas of the brain.
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One - the unique God number |
is totality, beginning and origin, the initial impulse. One also represents individuality, uniqueness. On a personal level, beings are characterized by one are unifying, peace loving, we can say that is simultaneously leader typology, the innovator, the opener roads.
Well there is also a negative aspect, beings characterized by number one can be individualistic, overly excessively authoritative and selfish, ego-centered, in this sense number one can also represent the primary egotistic impulse
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Seven - the number reuniting with Divinity |
Seven is the spirit number, of reuniting with divinity symbolizing belief in God and the higher Divine forces. Tions that overcome land represent and start overcoming spiritual evolution. Seven speaks about openness to the inner depths of the human being needs to be able to penetrate the mysteries of th
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Green - the color of regeneration |
It is a good strong rejuvenating and vitalizing, stimulating the activity of all the organs and functions of the body. Because opening, soothes and harmonizes the emotional level, the green help overcome sadness, emotional trauma, envy and jealousy. It is the color of healing through excellence.
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Three - the number of the Trinity |
the left-center-right plus-minus-neutral. Thereby, through reunification, duality comes back to one, for then to give birth to a third. Number three is mystery of love, procreation, reunification, of multiplicity birth and multiplying, has therefore related to creation.
Number three is the opening that gives two fruitful possibilities of multiplication and also reunites the dual aspects of the one. Three neutralizes the dissonance created by the two and gives a new integration more complex and rich. It is the number of love in manifestation, balance and harmony
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Nine - the number of spiritual maturity |
Thereby, represent maturity and profundity, the place where spirit meets materiality. Being reached a decisive stage in its evolution and has assimilated enough experience so that they understand that the most important achievement is one of the spirit, that only love opens doors to a new existential dimension.
Nine returns back to one, but more enriched itself by accumulating all the valences of the other numbers, so closes an evolutionary cycle. Nine is related to other worlds opening with elevated spiritual intuition
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Five - the number of human perfection |
Number five is related to freedom and the search for an ideal way of life. It is very active but changeable, restless and unstable. In association with four get a balanced combination, complementary and comprehensive.
Because five, adds a dimension of four can say that is the number that opens perception to other plans, is a gateway to invisible and higher astral and elevated worlds. Five also represents the middle because it was the middle of the numbers, so it is a number that may enhance and shade valency of other numbers is number of successful combinations
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Red - the color of energy |
open to adolescent loves.
Red is a good revitalizing and erotic refreshing. Increases vitality and is an aphrodisiac, stimulating virility and help feminine erotic opening. Increases heart rate, raises blood pressure and breathing frequency. It is contraindicated for people with high blood pressure.
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Black - the color of the unknown and mystery |
Black is the color of the unknown and mystery is a color full of potential. It has to do with vacuum and the nothing, but also create the framework and opportunity for other colors expressions. Black background amplify all colors, enhance and open by contrast. It is used to create limits
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Orange - the color of social |
Orange is a color that creates a special atmosphere, familiar and warm. It is very useful during meetings, especially with strangers that facilitates openness, facilitates communication. Is the color charm excellence creates attraction and good mood
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Grey - the color neutrality |
it requires a new paradigm to counterbalance. It is necessary to open our being to intense and alive colors, with strong spiritual connotations and healing. It is very necessary to give color to life as much as possible, that all the ways. Gray is not used in therapy.
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