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 Category >>  Sacred Geometry
Rhombus - the symbol of matter and spirit unification
Because rhombus contains vertical and horizontal directions simultaneously, we can say that is the symbol of the unification of matter and spirit. Unites heaven and earth, the direction of elevation, aspiration to divinity and horizontally material oriented. Because peaks represent the extremities...
 Category >>  Sacred Geometry
Pentagon - symbol of human perfection
Pentagon pointing up is associated with the human body shape symbolizing human perfection. The top angle is the head and the relationship with the Divinity, the transcendence. The following lateral angles represent the hands, the control over the physical level and the action. The other two bottom...
 Category >>  Sacred Geometry
Spiral - a symbol of evolution
Similar in some aspects to the circle, the spiral taken from symbolism of circle. Because it generates as circle, from a point, but with a dynamic range of increases, the spiral is the symbol of evolution on all levels of being, especially the spiritual. Following the dynamics of the spiral from...
 Category >>  Sacred Geometry
Hexagon - the symbol of creation and manifestation
Hexagon is related to the number six which means manifestation. According to Genesis Bible, the world was created in six days. Hexagon fill in a beautiful and unique way the whole plane, thus placing the hexagons on each side can be to expand indefinitely. The network thereby formed looks like a...
 Category >>  Sacred Geometry
Triangle - a symbol of fire
Because it has three peaks, the triangle is related to three and Divine Trinity. In many spiritual traditions creation is generated by three fundamental aspects of three trends: plus, minus and neutral. It is a symbol of fire, of intelligence and insightful thinking. If the triangle is pointing...
 Category >>  Sacred Geometry
Line - Endless symbol
The line is infinity symbol even if it is situated between two points. Mathematically, even limited line between two points is actually infinite because it contains an infinite number of points, no matter how close are the heads. The proof of this statement is made if the line split in two, and the...
 Category >>  Sacred Geometry
Square - a symbol of stability and of matter
The square symbolizes stability, solidity, matter, weights and inertia. By vertical lines, we can say that the square has a dynamic, vertically oriented. Because it has all sides equal the square gives equality and congruence. Is related to four basic directions, up-down, left-right and...
 Category >>  Sacred Geometry
Point - the symbol of the One God
Point is the center of everything, the whole creation revolves around him. Since it is static, universal complex movement is performed and centers around his. It is symmetry center, the unification of opposites, the male-female polarity, up-down, light-darkness, good-evil, life-death. Point is the...
 Category >>  Numerology
Eight - the number force and action
On the other side, beings which are characterized by eight can show stubborn, excessive pride, egocentrism, impulsivity and authority carried to dictatorialism. As his double of four number eight gives stability and perseverance. Octagon correlate from sacred geometry and orange color.
 Category >>  Numerology
One - the unique God number
Through one number can enter in communion with the One Divine. It is a very good remedy for non-unified human beings, dissociated inside, out of focus, with a tendency to excessive externalize, changeable and scattered. Correlates with the point and the circle of sacred geometry and the white color.
 Category >>  Numerology
Seven - the number reuniting with Divinity
He represent the threshold of human development where man begins to enter in order of wider existence, deeper and more comprehensive than the purely personal. It number transcending of ego and reintegration in absolute. Correlate with Heptagon and the seven peaks star from sacred geometry and blue color.
 Category >>  Numerology
Three - the number of the Trinity
Exists three physical states: solid, liquid and gas. Number three is a magic number, is found frequently in mythology and legends, so there were three wishes and magical incantations should spoken three times. It has to do with the liver and spleen. Triangle correlate from sacred geometry and indigo color.
 Category >>  Numerology
Nine - the number of spiritual maturity
mature and unconditional. Teachers and spiritual masters are among those who have assimilated this vibration and are capable of unconditional love and devotion due to help others and guide them to spiritual realization. Correlate with nonagon from sacred geometry and the red color.
 Category >>  Numerology
Six - the number of creation and manifestation
For this reason six can be used in a negative sense. Without the next number six represent created without God and used in excess can give negative connotations, even evil. Correlate with hexagonal from sacred geometry and green color.
 Category >>  Numerology
Five - the number of human perfection
Five also represents the middle because it was the middle of the numbers, so it is a number that may enhance and shade valency of other numbers is number of successful combinations. Correlate with the pentagon and five-star peaks of sacred geometry and yellow color.
 Category >>  Numerology
Two - the number of primordial duality
Second number is a number of healing it can bring balance between polarities, between yin and yang, balance body functions can. With one number two great therapeutic valences gets. Correlate with the line of sacred geometry and the purple color.
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