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 Category >>  Numerology
Zero - the number of void and emptiness
empty space, virginity, endless, full of potential, environment which can divide the manifest of unique Divine. Also symbolizes maternal matrix, Cosmic Yoni goal from which everything is born, is related to the invisible and black color. If you look deeper, the number zero hides the essence of everything, alchemy and amplify the contents of each manifested aspect thus any number relative to zero gives us infinite. So any individual aspect related to this magic number gain unlimited valents
 Category >>  Chromatics
White - symbol of Divine Light
is a color located in the extreme. It is a good remedy for closed people who have a habit to hide and which are almost always in shadow. Purify the body, enhances and amplifies the effects of fasting, both body and spiritual level. Very useful to use in analyzing of self and self-knowledge.
 Category >>  Chromatics
Black - the color of the unknown and mystery
e in the dark and unknown can hide any. In excess, black symbolizes evil, death, can create somber feelings and negativity, necessarily indicated to be combined with brightly colors to bring life. Black in therapy should be combined with other colors because amplify every color if used as background.
 Category >>  Sacred Geometry
Spiral - a symbol of evolution
Since we find it in nature at every step, we can say that can improve us communion with nature and nature spirits. Used extensively in the technique, especially the mechanisms in motion, because the vortex which it creates, spiral hide many aspects still undiscovered by human beings.
 Category >>  Spirituality
Rays of Wisdom
Evolution of the spirit is from outside gesture by inside gesture. Freedom of spirit is when the outside the rules enters into heart. Cheating game of evil is to leave "discovered" outside to better hide inside. Who sees the evil in his neighbor hides inside, who sees God in his neighbor discovers Divinity itself. Not love God unless we love in our neighbor, not see God if you do not see Him in our neighbor
 Category >>  Mandalas art 1
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