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Four - number of materiality Four - number of...

Four - number of materiality

Four - number of materiality
The number four symbolizes matter, stability, robustness, represent the four directions in the physical world. On number four builds resistance structure is the fundamental basis on which supports every aspect and idea. Also represents pragmatism, realism, logical thinking and organization. From here arise also negative aspects to the physical limitation that keep us earthbound and materiality. It can be said that the highest aspiration four oppose through weight and inertia that gives. Four is related to the seasons and the phases of the moon.

It looks like the figure four oppose spirituality. Due to the positive aspects as organization, determination and perseverance number four still help us very much in spiritual practices in transformation and evolution. It is also a number that can help in the initiation of couple relationships, business, due to durability that gives. Four square, brown, greenBy assimilating four number vibration or start date and time correlation of four can plan and launch large projects that require durability.

Correlates with the square and diamond from sacred geometry and brown and dark green colors.

Date: 2013-04-04

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Keywords: transformation, durability, initiation, four, organization, spiritual, couple, relationships, physical, evolution, materiality, fundamental, plan

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