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 Category >>  Digital art
Cosmic Spiral 5

 Category >>  Digital art
Cosmic Spiral

 Category >>  Numerology
Golden number - universal Divine proportion
otherwise writing 1/a-1=a, from this formula we want to find the ratio x=1/a, meaning x-1=1/x brings us to the equation x*x-x-1=0. The solution is 1,618… number that represents the golden number which can be found in the golden triangle of Pythagoras, the pentagon, the golden ellipse or spiral gold in the Fibonacci sequence which represents the natural growth. This special ratio is found almost everywhere in nature, in the human body and art. This is the principle that underlies the generation of fractals. Explain the design principle of everything in part and part in everything
 Category >>  Sacred Geometry
Spiral - a symbol of evolution
Similar in some aspects to the circle, the spiral taken from symbolism of circle. Because it generates as circle, from a point, but with a dynamic range of increases, the spiral is the symbol of evolution on all levels of being, especially the spiritual. Following the dynamics of the spiral from the cente
 Category >>  Digital art
Red spiral

 Category >>  Digital art
Green spiral

The most searching words: emrys, ratio, forma, sacred geometry, strong, right, life, sacred, light, spirit, mandala, geometry, color, creat, symbol, love, because, divine, art, divin, univers, star, spiritual, open, number, help, magic, mandalas, electronic music, music, blue, flower, create, world, galleries, chromatic, aspect, being, numerology, creation

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