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 Category >>  Chromatics
White - symbol of Divine Light
Because contains in itself all the colors has related to totality and Infinity. White elevates being, is the color of purity, openness to spirituality and Divinity. Fill all of shine and makes possible the manifestation of colors and shapes. It is the color that helps us see ourselves as we are, we accept and transcend the ego. White is highly used in probing the subconscious to bring to light the hidden and repressed parts of us. White mixed with one of the other colors light up, so has the ability to purify and to elevate colors
 Category >>  Sacred Geometry
Line - Endless symbol
and the remaining portions shall divide them again and again, each time finding a point in the middle, we can repeat indefinitely the process. The most simple geometric element after point, line has to do with the essence of the manifestation of shapes and forms, without it is impossible to define a form. It is actually the contour of each shape, delimitation and separation between form and environment. It primordial separation and differentiation, give rise of duality dividing the whole into two
 Category >>  Digital art
Shapes dialogue

The most searching words: emrys, ratio, forma, sacred geometry, strong, right, life, sacred, light, spirit, mandala, geometry, color, creat, symbol, love, because, divine, art, divin, univers, star, spiritual, open, number, help, magic, mandalas, electronic music, music, blue, flower, create, world, galleries, chromatic, aspect, being, numerology, creation

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