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 Category >>  Chromatics
Yellow - the color of the will
Simultaneously increases concentration and speed reaction. Color also suggests wisdom and help us restore spiritual connection with nature and with others. Yellow cleaner is very useful for violent people, irritable, impulsive, which angry from any.
 Category >>  Chromatics
Grey - the color neutrality
it requires a new paradigm to counterbalance. It is necessary to open our being to intense and alive colors, with strong spiritual connotations and healing. It is very necessary to give color to life as much as possible, that all the ways. Gray is not used in therapy.
 Category >>  Chromatics
Blue - the color of relaxation
Blue is the color that brings peace, relaxation and recreation. It is a spiritual color that brings peace, understanding and harmony. Blue is soothing and induces inner calm, slow down mental activity favoring meditative and contemplative states . It is a cool color, depth which increases space
 Category >>  Chromatics
White - symbol of Divine Light
White is the most spiritual color symbolizes uncreated Divine Light. Because contains in itself all the colors has related to totality and Infinity. White elevates being, is the color of purity, openness to spirituality and Divinity
 Category >>  Sacred Geometry
Spiral - a symbol of evolution
Similar in some aspects to the circle, the spiral taken from symbolism of circle. Because it generates as circle, from a point, but with a dynamic range of increases, the spiral is the symbol of evolution on all levels of being, especially the spiritual
 Category >>  Sacred Geometry
Triangle - a symbol of fire
Because it has three peaks, the triangle is related to three and Divine Trinity. In many spiritual traditions creation is generated by three fundamental aspects of three trends: plus, minus and neutral. It is a symbol of fire, of intelligence and insightful thinking
 Category >>  Sacred Geometry
Rays of Wisdom
fool talk about a wonderful life. The supreme truth is only One fools have divided! Inner wealth flows out, inner poverty springs dry. Hurry answers questions kills! Fearful see love as a weakness and heroes extract their power from love. Evolution of the spirit is from outside gesture by inside gesture. Freedom of spirit is when the outside the rules enters into heart. Cheating game of evil is to leave "discovered" outside to better hide inside. Who sees the evil in his neighbor hides inside
 Category >>  Digital art
Blue spirit

 Category >>  Digital art
Green spirit

 Category >>  Digital art
Red spirit

 Category >>  Digital art
Indigo spirit

 Category >>  Digital art
Golden spirit

 Category >>  Digital art
Purple spirit

 Category >>  Digital art
White spirit

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The most searching words: emrys, ratio, forma, sacred geometry, strong, right, life, sacred, light, spirit, mandala, geometry, color, creat, symbol, love, because, divine, art, divin, univers, star, spiritual, open, number, help, magic, mandalas, electronic music, music, blue, flower, create, world, galleries, chromatic, aspect, being, numerology, creation

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