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 Category >>  Sacred Geometry
Point - the symbol of the One God
Point is the center of everything, the whole creation revolves around him. Since it is static, universal complex movement is performed and centers around his. It is symmetry center, the unification of opposites, the male-female polarity, up-down, light-darkness, good-evil, life-death
 Category >>  Numerology
One - the unique God number
Number one is the one God number, the entire absolutely undivided and undifferentiated. Number one it is related to the geometric point is the center of everything, all the numbers have gone from one, is the unification of all dualities and opposites, the male-female polarity, up-down, light-darkness

The most searching words: emrys, ratio, forma, sacred geometry, strong, right, life, sacred, light, spirit, mandala, geometry, color, creat, symbol, love, because, divine, art, divin, univers, star, spiritual, open, number, help, magic, mandalas, electronic music, music, blue, flower, create, world, galleries, chromatic, aspect, being, numerology, creation

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