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 Category >>  Sacred Geometry
Spiral - a symbol of evolution
centering disturbing energies, optimization of evolution and reminder of the spiritual mission in this lifetime. Being completely open always able growth, the spiral symbol can get us out from vicious cycle, self-sustaining, where we entered. Can open us to our infinite potential, forces us to growth and protects us from stagnation in all levels of being. It is an excellent remedy against obsessions, stereotypes, vices and repeating negative tendencies. A very interesting spiral is the golden spiral, logarithmic, based on the number of gold
 Category >>  Sacred Geometry
Line - Endless symbol
The line is infinity symbol even if it is situated between two points. Mathematically, even limited line between two points is actually infinite because it contains an infinite number of points, no matter how close are the heads. The proof of this statement is made if the line split in two
 Category >>  Numerology
Two - the number of primordial duality
This number represents two primary forces, universal, original trends, ie attraction and repulsion of dualities, north-south, plus-minus, male-female. In all creation we see this infinitely rich game of polarities, directions, tendencies, this eternal love game's. Every part has a counterpart, this universal law of polarities available can help us in many aspects of life if we understand well and correctly apply. Number two is couple number of forces
 Category >>  Numerology
Zero - the number of void and emptiness
Also symbolizes maternal matrix, Cosmic Yoni goal from which everything is born, is related to the invisible and black color. If you look deeper, the number zero hides the essence of everything, alchemy and amplify the contents of each manifested aspect thus any number relative to zero gives us infinite. So any individual aspect related to this magic number gain unlimited valents. Many human spiritual traditions offer techniques and ways to access the transcendence and divinity dipping us in this vacuum. Thus, the vacuum state, can overcome us and dissolve the universal illusion

The most searching words: symbol and 11, figura, creation, symbol0 sleep31, harmonious, consciousness, agitation, actually, relationships, pentagon, initiative, emrys1111111111111 union select char4512049458145char4512050458145char4512051458145char4512052458145, emrys1111111111111 union select char4512049458145char4512050458145char4512051458145char4512052458145, emrys1111111111111 union select char4512049458145char4512050458145char4512051458145char4512052458145, electronic music, fire, emrys1111111111111 union select char4512049458145char4512050458145char4512051458145char4512052458145, combined, symbol21211211212121, emrys1111111111111 union select char4512049458145char4512050458145char4512051458145char4512052458145, emrys1111111111111 union select char4512049458145char4512050458145char4512051458145char4512052458145, everything, emrys1111111111111 union select char4512049458145char4512050458145char4512051458145char4512052458145, ratio, light and xy, increase, atheist, freedom, division, trinity, artistic, matter, emrys1111111111111 union select char4512049458145char4512050458145char4512051458145char4512052458145, equilateral, emrys1111111111111 union select char4512049458145char4512050458145char4512051458145char4512052458145, emrys1111111111111 union select char4512049458145char4512050458145char4512051458145char4512052458145, emrys1111111111111 union select char4512049458145char4512050458145char4512051458145char4512052458145, lumi, feeling, emrys1111111111111 union select char4512049458145char4512050458145char4512051458145char4512052458145

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