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 Category >>  Sacred Geometry
Pentagon - symbol of human perfection
Pentagon pointing up is associated with the human body shape symbolizing human perfection. The top angle is the head and the relationship with the Divinity, the transcendence. The following lateral angles represent the hands, the control over the physical level and the action
 Category >>  Sacred Geometry
Spiral - a symbol of evolution
Since we find it in nature at every step, we can say that can improve us communion with nature and nature spirits. Used extensively in the technique, especially the mechanisms in motion, because the vortex which it creates, spiral hide many aspects still undiscovered by human beings.
 Category >>  Sacred Geometry
Line - Endless symbol
Generate of Creation was made by guiding lines of force. Another aspect, apparently opposite of the line is the connection he makes between points and between forms, Creating bridges and unifies points of view, is the symbol of communion, communications, human relations and the love. Our entire world is based on complex game of lines, richly interconnected lines creates a complex network, a mysterious Cosmic warp in which we are interconnected with all that exists
 Category >>  Sacred Geometry
Point - the symbol of the One God
is brick underlying of space but still is not found. It is intimately connected with invisibility and ubiquity of Divine, is in everything and still is nowhere. It is a very good remedy for decentered human beings, defocused, with a tendency of excessive externalizing and scattered.
 Category >>  Visionary art
Human matrix

 Category >>  Numerology
Golden number - universal Divine proportion
618… number that represents the golden number which can be found in the golden triangle of Pythagoras, the pentagon, the golden ellipse or spiral gold in the Fibonacci sequence which represents the natural growth. This special ratio is found almost everywhere in nature, in the human body and art. This is the principle that underlies the generation of fractals. Explain the design principle of everything in part and part in everything. It is primordial and universal law of harmony. It helps us to put in balance and harmony organs and body functions
 Category >>  Numerology
One - the unique God number
It is a very good remedy for non-unified human beings, dissociated inside, out of focus, with a tendency to excessive externalize, changeable and scattered. Correlates with the point and the circle of sacred geometry and the white color.
 Category >>  Numerology
Seven - the number reuniting with Divinity
Seven is the spirit number, of reuniting with divinity symbolizing belief in God and the higher Divine forces. Tions that overcome land represent and start overcoming spiritual evolution. Seven speaks about openness to the inner depths of the human being needs to be able to penetrate the mysteries of the
 Category >>  Chromatics
Blue - the color of relaxation
Blue is the color that brings peace, relaxation and recreation. It is a spiritual color that brings peace, understanding and harmony. Blue is soothing and induces inner calm, slow down mental activity favoring meditative and contemplative states . It is a cool color, depth which increases space,...
 Category >>  Numerology
Six - the number of creation and manifestation
It is said that God made the world in six days, thereby the six is number of creation and manifestation. Number six represent concentration and harmonious human forces that gives man spiritual beauty and nobility
 Category >>  Numerology
Five - the number of human perfection
Five is the number of human perfection, the human body enroll in pointing up pentagon with five peaks. There are five senses (hearing, touch, sight, taste and smell), five major organs (brain, heart, liver, lungs and kidneys), five fingers on each hand and each foot. Five gives sharp intellect
 Category >>  Numerology
Zero - the number of void and emptiness
If you look deeper, the number zero hides the essence of everything, alchemy and amplify the contents of each manifested aspect thus any number relative to zero gives us infinite. So any individual aspect related to this magic number gain unlimited valents. Many human spiritual traditions offer techniques and ways to access the transcendence and divinity dipping us in this vacuum. Thus, the vacuum state, can overcome us and dissolve the universal illusion, we can achieve the state of pure consciousness, non-manifestation, infinite potential
 Category >>  Chromatics
Red - the color of energy
Red light, combined with the white, pink approach and becomes pure color so with a large benefit potential, has to do with transmutation, transformation of all that is coarse and inferior in elevated aspects, has to do with negative emotions alchemizing. In the current period of human evolution need more red light. The brightness of this color combined with the red specific properties, related to the current major trends oriented to the sexuality help us enormously to transfigure this aspect of our being
 Category >>  Visionary art
The New Human

The most searching words: emrys, ratio, sacred geometry, forma, strong, right, life, spirit, sacred, light, mandala, geometry, color, creat, symbol, love, because, divine, divin, art, spiritual, star, univers, open, number, help, magic, mandalas, blue, flower, electronic music, music, create, world, galleries, aspect, being, chromatic, numerology, creation

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