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 Category >>  Numerology
Golden number - universal Divine proportion
because b=1-a, get on the formula 1/a=a/1-a, otherwise writing 1/a-1=a, from this formula we want to find the ratio x=1/a, meaning x-1=1/x brings us to the equation x*x-x-1=0. The solution is 1,618… number that represents the golden number which can be found in the golden triangle of Pythagoras, the pentagon, the golden ellipse or spiral gold in the Fibonacci sequence which represents the natural growth. This special ratio is found almost everywhere in nature, in the human body and art
 Category >>  Numerology
Two - the number of primordial duality
Number two is couple number of forces, if we understand the deep meanings, we can strike a balance and a great control over the manifestation. Symmetry Emrys's work is based and emphasize the two number. Number two has to do with the number of gold that is revealed to us the mystery of division and primary ratio. On the other hand two number may also represent the evil forces, the primary separation, the break connection with divinity and ego. Therefore, it is important the vision what we have
 Category >>  Sacred Geometry
Pentagon - symbol of human perfection
s golden geometric figure as magically contains the golden ratio. Thus, the intersection of the diagonals of a pentagon generates golden proportion. Because the pentagon symbolizes human perfection can say that it is a geometric figure that fosters and enhances overall health and improves immunity.
 Category >>  Sacred Geometry
Spiral - a symbol of evolution
self-sustaining, where we entered. Can open us to our infinite potential, forces us to growth and protects us from stagnation in all levels of being. It is an excellent remedy against obsessions, stereotypes, vices and repeating negative tendencies. A very interesting spiral is the golden spiral, logarithmic, based on the number of gold, it has the property to grow by quarter circles that increase at every step by the proportion of gold. Thus the growth rate of evolution, is Universal primary rate, even rhythm generated by the Divine
 Category >>  Digital art
Golden spirit

 Category >>  Digital art
Golden light

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