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 Category >>  Digital art
Holographic Astral Plans

 Category >>  Numerology
Five - the number of human perfection
d higher astral and elevated worlds. Five also represents the middle because it was the middle of the numbers, so it is a number that may enhance and shade valency of other numbers is number of successful combinations. Correlate with the pentagon and five-star peaks of sacred geometry and yellow color.
 Category >>  Numerology
Three - the number of the Trinity
Three neutralizes the dissonance created by the two and gives a new integration more complex and rich. It is the number of love in manifestation, balance and harmony. Here are other fundamental triad example. In millenary spirituality of yoga speaks of three levels of manifestation: physical, astral and causal. There are primary colors, red, yellow and blue. Exists three physical states: solid, liquid and gas. Number three is a magic number, is found frequently in mythology and legends, so there were three wishes and magical incantations should spoken three times
 Category >>  Chromatics
Grey - the color neutrality
Is the color that symbolizes the usual, daily, routine, mental patterns, repetitive and also vices, dependence on past, mental programs. Is the color of closing that can dirty and contaminate any color. Gray excess blocking our access to the world intensely colored, the heavenly astral worlds. Considering not accidental its spread even in art, it requires a new paradigm to counterbalance. It is necessary to open our being to intense and alive colors, with strong spiritual connotations and healing. It is very necessary to give color to life as much as possible, that all the ways
 Category >>  Digital art
Astral cala

 Category >>  Mandalas art 2
Astral crystals

 Category >>  Mandalas art 2
Astral gate

 Category >>  Mandalas art 2
Astral gate 3

 Category >>  ET mandalas
Astral network

 Category >>  ET mandalas
Astral ship

 Category >>  ET mandalas
Astral ship 2

 Category >>  Visionary art
Astral Building

 Category >>  Visionary art
Astral snail

 Category >>  Mandalas art 1
Astral gate 2

 Category >>  Mandalas art 1
Astral lotus

The most searching words: emrys, ratio, sacred geometry, forma, strong, right, life, spirit, sacred, light, mandala, geometry, color, creat, symbol, love, because, divine, divin, art, spiritual, star, univers, open, number, help, magic, mandalas, blue, flower, electronic music, music, create, world, galleries, aspect, being, chromatic, numerology, creation

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