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 Category >>  Chromatics
Yellow - the color of the will
Simultaneously increases concentration and speed reaction. Color also suggests wisdom and help us restore spiritual connection with nature and with others. Yellow cleaner is very useful for violent people, irritable, impulsive, which angry from any.
 Category >>  Chromatics
Red - the color of energy
Red is an energetic color, warmest but the lowest vibration. Due to the low vibration is related to the physical, the material, passion and sexuality. It has an exciting action, mobilizing and vitalizing. In excess, creates stress
 Category >>  Chromatics
Orange - the color of social
orange is a higher vibration than red also more radiant and brighter. Orange is also a good aphrodisiac facilitates communication, mental and emotional openness to others, the group and society. It brings joy, optimism, enthusiasm and exuberance. Improves the bowel and kidney function has.
 Category >>  Sacred Geometry
Square - a symbol of stability and of matter
It fits perfectly with the physical known plan of 3+1 dimensions. It is very useful in any activity which require a solid support, for example in construction. Square offers the math possibility to get by division and numbers configurations, very accurate results, magic, occult mysterious effects that were well known to magicians and initiates in the past. So many variations of magic squares are known that can share amazing series of numbers. Square gives vitality and stability, is a good revitalizing and invigorating the body
 Category >>  Sacred Geometry
Line - Endless symbol
we can repeat indefinitely the process. The most simple geometric element after point, line has to do with the essence of the manifestation of shapes and forms, without it is impossible to define a form. It is actually the contour of each shape, delimitation and separation between form and environment. It primordial separation and differentiation, give rise of duality dividing the whole into two. It is said that in the beginning God has drawn the line and divided the light from the darkness. Generate of Creation was made by guiding lines of force. Another aspect
 Category >>  Sacred Geometry
Triangle - a symbol of fire
plus, minus and neutral. It is a symbol of fire, of intelligence and insightful thinking. If the triangle is pointing up will focus movement and energy in that direction, upward, and is also a symbol of masculine. Help us to move towards to elevated vibrations sublimation , the higher spiritual planes and transcendence. Triangle pointing down signifies manifestation, fecundity, it is a feminine symbol. The base of the triangle represents stability, the two lateral sides gives dynamism. Thus triangle contains both stability
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