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 Category >>  Spirituality
About native mandalas
Birthday each of us is actually a personal numerological code intimately linked to what we are, our destiny and our psychological and spiritual imprint. Mandala will contain in background basic geometric elements simplified and reduced to its essence and in the second a complex level, like a fractal network which include our full potential. This fractal network is unique and specific to Emrys's works, without this complex network and well connected, personal mandala is incomplete and lacking of power and dynamism should have it. The basic elements simplify
 Category >>  Numerology
Three - the number of the Trinity
of multiplicity birth and multiplying, has therefore related to creation. Number three is the opening that gives two fruitful possibilities of multiplication and also reunites the dual aspects of the one. Three neutralizes the dissonance created by the two and gives a new integration more complex and rich. It is the number of love in manifestation, balance and harmony. Here are other fundamental triad example. In millenary spirituality of yoga speaks of three levels of manifestation: physical, astral and causal. There are primary colors, red, yellow and blue
 Category >>  Sacred Geometry
Hexagon - the symbol of creation and manifestation
both are intertwined, hexagon symbolize the union of male-female, eroticism, procreation and fecundity. Hexagon can be obtained from the flower of life, so take much of the symbolism of this well known symbol. Hexagon unify the polarities in a very complex and comprehensive way. The hexagon is the beauty figure because of unique aesthetic shape. Due to the complex balancing that performs, hexagon is very useful in healing. It is a good aphrodisiac because unifies many opposite aspects, sublime valences gives to eroticism
 Category >>  Sacred Geometry
Pentagon - symbol of human perfection
The other two bottom angles signify the feets, the link to the planet, the roots, the vitality and the stability. Pentagon pointing up symbolizes the aspiration to the sublime, the ascension to the Divine. It is full of spiritual force, it is complex and dynamic. The Pentagon is related geometrically and symbolically to the five pointing star. Uniting all pentagon points results a star which is a powerful symbol of magic, perhaps the oldest and most powerful of magic symbols. Reversed
 Category >>  Chromatics
Violet - elevated and spiritual color
It is a magical color, subtle and full of deep spiritual meanings. Violet is the color of the initiated, magicians and occultism. Violet is the color deep, depth. Give us a very pleasant feeling, is very sweet and attractive. It is a complex color paradoxically combining the energy and warmth of red with cold blue. Color is hard to find in nature, that seems to be reserved for special conditions, is associated with extravagant and unusual. Lilac purple, being specific to feminine suggest refinement, grace and elegance
 Category >>  Chromatics
Turquoise - the color of beatitude
Turquoise is a sophisticated color and complex as the mixture of blue and green. The unique combination of effects: calm, relaxation, refreshment, love, abandonment and the ecstatic dissolution make us to declare color of beatitude. It is a semi-cold color
 Category >>  Chromatics
Green - the color of regeneration
There is a specific green called financial green, slightly dark and intense, even symbolizing material wealth. Green color has a cool and refreshing shade, obtained if mix it with turquoise. It neutralizes the color red, and in combination with red, without admixture them give a complex and balanced effect of hot and cold, energy and regeneration. Stimulate growth, normalizes heart function. Because stimulate growth is not generally indicated in the treatment of tumors or cancer. It is a good strong rejuvenating and vitalizing
 Category >>  Chromatics
Yellow - the color of the will
comes in evidence easily, creating strong contrasts with dark colors especially black. It is a suitable color for advertising that comes with power, aggressively towards the viewer's, attention poaching. Has a good influence to the solar plexus and digestive fire favors improving digestion and assimilation of food. Simultaneously increases concentration and speed reaction. Color also suggests wisdom and help us restore spiritual connection with nature and with others. Yellow cleaner is very useful for violent people, irritable
 Category >>  Sacred Geometry
Point - the symbol of the One God
Point is the center of everything, the whole creation revolves around him. Since it is static, universal complex movement is performed and centers around his. It is symmetry center, the unification of opposites, the male-female polarity, up-down, light-darkness, good-evil, life-death
 Category >>  Sacred Geometry
Line - Endless symbol
Another aspect, apparently opposite of the line is the connection he makes between points and between forms, Creating bridges and unifies points of view, is the symbol of communion, communications, human relations and the love. Our entire world is based on complex game of lines, richly interconnected lines creates a complex network, a mysterious Cosmic warp in which we are interconnected with all that exists. If we ignore these lines and their secret connection or even "would cut" it consciously or unconsciously, greatly deepen us in ego

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