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  Sacred geometry

1. Spiral - a symbol of evolution

Similar in some aspects to the circle, the spiral taken from symbolism of circle. Because it generates as circle, from a point, but with a dynamic range of increases, the spiral is the symbol of evolution on all levels of being, especially the spiritual. Following the dynamics of the spiral from the center we obtain a quantitative evolution, enrichment pointing outwards, to manifestation, to the periphery. From the periphery, spiral dynamics leads easily and naturally to the center, being opposite by labyrinth from this viewpoint. It's a great way to focus the attention, centering disturbing energies, optimization of evolution and reminder of the spiritual mission in this lifetime.

Being completely open always able growth, the spiral symbol can get us out from vicious cycle, self-sustaining, where we entered. Can open us to our infinite potential, forces us to growth and protects us from stagnation in all levels of being. It is an excellent remedy against obsessions, stereotypes, vices and repeating negative tendencies.

A very interesting spiral is the golden spiral, logarithmic, based on the number of gold, it has the property to grow by quarter circles that increase at every step by the proportion of gold. Thus the growth rate of evolution, is Universal primary rate, even rhythm generated by the Divine. The golden spiral is the symbol of ideal spiritual evolution, registered on optimal way, the shortest to the Divine. It expresses of the ideal evolution each step continue harmoniously the previous step, thus reflecting the force idea and unique cadence.

Since we find it in nature at every step, we can say that can improve us communion with nature and nature spirits. Used extensively in the technique, especially the mechanisms in motion, because the vortex which it creates, spiral hide many aspects still undiscovered by human beings.

2. Rhombus - the symbol of matter and spirit unification

Because rhombus contains vertical and horizontal directions simultaneously, we can say that is the symbol of the unification of matter and spirit. Unites heaven and earth, the direction of elevation, aspiration to divinity and horizontally material oriented. Because peaks represent the extremities of the cross, may be a close and direct connection between the two symbols.

Rhombus is a geometric representation of a universal Corresponding Law filed by Hermes Trismegistus by "As above, so below; as below, so above". Represents the unification of low aspects with the upper, so unify sexuality plane with higher mental plane, the functions of assimilation with the elimination, left to right and masculine with feminine. Rhombus synchronizes brain hemispheres activity.

Although it has the same number of congruent sides as square, diamond is a dynamic figure, generating energy and motion.

Rhombus unites and harmonizes the functions of breathing, digestion and excretion. Traditional Oriental science of Ayurveda says that the disease is an imbalance of yin and yang (male-female), the healing process is actually the process of re-balancing, so the rhombus is geometric figure of healing.

3. Line - Endless symbol

The line is infinity symbol even if it is situated between two points. Mathematically, even limited line between two points is actually infinite because it contains an infinite number of points, no matter how close are the heads. The proof of this statement is made if the line split in two, and the remaining portions shall divide them again and again, each time finding a point in the middle, we can repeat indefinitely the process.

The most simple geometric element after point, line has to do with the essence of the manifestation of shapes and forms, without it is impossible to define a form. It is actually the contour of each shape, delimitation and separation between form and environment. It primordial separation and differentiation, give rise of duality dividing the whole into two. It is said that in the beginning God has drawn the line and divided the light from the darkness. Generate of Creation was made by guiding lines of force.

Another aspect, apparently opposite of the line is the connection he makes between points and between forms, Creating bridges and unifies points of view, is the symbol of communion, communications, human relations and the love.

Our entire world is based on complex game of lines, richly interconnected lines creates a complex network, a mysterious Cosmic warp in which we are interconnected with all that exists. If we ignore these lines and their secret connection or even "would cut" it consciously or unconsciously, greatly deepen us in ego, we separate the other, the nature and the Universe.

Another interesting symbolism is the indefinitely content of limited line by two heads. In one sense the human being is the same, are limited to a physical body, with solid outline, we are still unlimited if exploring inside. However we analyze and we deepen us, however examine our inner being we find new aspects, new points of view, becoming more comprehensive and profound. Limited outside but also infinitely inside, in-depth.

Vertical line represents the symbol of elevation, ascension to the Divine, the horizontal line orientation mean to world and society direction. It is a good remedy for people who feel disconnected from others, nature and the universe. Provides direction, so it is beneficial for those who do not find their way.

4. Point - the symbol of the One God

Point is the center of everything, the whole creation revolves around him. Since it is static, universal complex movement is performed and centers around his. It is symmetry center, the unification of opposites, the male-female polarity, up-down, light-darkness, good-evil, life-death. Point is the source from which everything arises and in which everything turns, is the explosion and implosion of the universe, it is the symbol of supreme consciousness, non-formal and bond strength and cohesion of all that is.

Originally The Unique projected and split herself in all its divisions, thus creating the world of names and forms, world which unites back in same Unique Divine. Mandalas created by Emrys, have without exception a single point of creation that is the point of harmony, the center of gravity of the work. If we focus on this central point, generator, without let being absorbed by the beauty of the surrounding enter into communion with the One Divine. Is a very simple and effective way by which we learn what communion with God mean.

Point is mathematically rather an element without substance and form because does not scale, is brick underlying of space but still is not found. It is intimately connected with invisibility and ubiquity of Divine, is in everything and still is nowhere.

It is a very good remedy for decentered human beings, defocused, with a tendency of excessive externalizing and scattered.


1. Seven - the number reuniting with Divinity

Seven is the spirit number, of reuniting with divinity symbolizing belief in God and the higher Divine forces. Tions that overcome land represent and start overcoming spiritual evolution. Seven speaks about openness to the inner depths of the human being needs to be able to penetrate the mysteries of the soul and spirit, of his connection with the universe.

It is a mystical number and also magic. Seven abound in religion and occultism, in legend and myths. There are seven wonders of the ancient world and the Middle Ages, the seven natural wonders of the world, but the seven great sins and seven virtues. Week contains seven days, seven musical notes, there are also seven outbreaks energy in the human energy body (chakras). Also Gospels and Revelation contain many references to the number seven.

Seven is the number of complete man, perfect, fully realized human and with divinity reunited. He represent the threshold of human development where man begins to enter in order of wider existence, deeper and more comprehensive than the purely personal. It number transcending of ego and reintegration in absolute.

Correlate with Heptagon and the seven peaks star from sacred geometry and blue color.

2. Four - number of materiality

The number four symbolizes matter, stability, robustness, represent the four directions in the physical world. On number four builds resistance structure is the fundamental basis on which supports every aspect and idea. Also represents pragmatism, realism, logical thinking and organization. From here arise also negative aspects to the physical limitation that keep us earthbound and materiality. It can be said that the highest aspiration four oppose through weight and inertia that gives. Four is related to the seasons and the phases of the moon.

It looks like the figure four oppose spirituality. Due to the positive aspects as organization, determination and perseverance number four still help us very much in spiritual practices in transformation and evolution. It is also a number that can help in the initiation of couple relationships, business, due to durability that gives. By assimilating four number vibration or start date and time correlation of four can plan and launch large projects that require durability.

Correlates with the square and diamond from sacred geometry and brown and dark green colors.

3. One - the unique God number

Number one is the one God number, the entire absolutely undivided and undifferentiated. Number one it is related to the geometric point is the center of everything, all the numbers have gone from one, is the unification of all dualities and opposites, the male-female polarity, up-down, light-darkness, good-evil, life-death . In the tantric spiritual tradition symbolizes the lingam full of force and potency.

Number one contains all and start all from it, is totality, beginning and origin, the initial impulse. One also represents individuality, uniqueness. On a personal level, beings are characterized by one are unifying, peace loving, we can say that is simultaneously leader typology, the innovator, the opener roads.

Well there is also a negative aspect, beings characterized by number one can be individualistic, overly excessively authoritative and selfish, ego-centered, in this sense number one can also represent the primary egotistic impulse.

Originally The One split and projected herself in all its divisions, thus created the world of names and forms, the world which unites back in same Unique Divine. Through one number can enter in communion with the One Divine.

It is a very good remedy for non-unified human beings, dissociated inside, out of focus, with a tendency to excessive externalize, changeable and scattered.

Correlates with the point and the circle of sacred geometry and the white color.

4. Six - the number of creation and manifestation

It is said that God made the world in six days, thereby the six is number of creation and manifestation. Number six represent concentration and harmonious human forces that gives man spiritual beauty and nobility.

Because six is obtained by doubling of three can say that symbolism taken from three and add new aspects. Number six gives artistic and creative skills and help us maintain and develop their us a remarkable sense of balance and beauty. Develop intuition and artistic receptivity.

People who have assimilated the vibration of number six are blessed with great talent and to use genuine personal charm and charisma are thereby common to attract others to their side and get the support they need. For this reason six can be used in a negative sense. Without the next number six represent created without God and used in excess can give negative connotations, even evil.

Correlate with hexagonal from sacred geometry and green color.

5. Two - the number of primordial duality

Two is the number of primordial duality, the one born two of first as creating the first dual pair, complementary. Two is all dual pairs of manifestation but also a unique way to return to the reunification of opposites. Number two is related to creation because without this number it is not possible to differentiate the unique in various aspects.

This number represents two primary forces, universal, original trends, ie attraction and repulsion of dualities, north-south, plus-minus, male-female. In all creation we see this infinitely rich game of polarities, directions, tendencies, this eternal love game's. Every part has a counterpart, this universal law of polarities available can help us in many aspects of life if we understand well and correctly apply.

Number two is couple number of forces, if we understand the deep meanings, we can strike a balance and a great control over the manifestation. Symmetry Emrys's work is based and emphasize the two number. Number two has to do with the number of gold that is revealed to us the mystery of division and primary ratio.

On the other hand two number may also represent the evil forces, the primary separation, the break connection with divinity and ego. Therefore, it is important the vision what we have, we see differences and separation or unity and complementarity.

Second number is a number of healing it can bring balance between polarities, between yin and yang, balance body functions can. With one number two great therapeutic valences gets.

Correlate with the line of sacred geometry and the purple color.


1. Black - the color of the unknown and mystery

Black is the color of the unknown and mystery is a color full of potential. It has to do with vacuum and the nothing, but also create the framework and opportunity for other colors expressions. Black background amplify all colors, enhance and open by contrast. It is used to create limits, contours and contrasts, amplify the impact and effect of forms.

Black is related to an important characteristic of colors namely closure. Black close all colors mixed with increasing the mystery. Black is the color that gives profound, the sensation of depth. Captures, attract the viewer into the not surveyed spaces and project him to unknown. It is used to create deep emotions because in the dark and unknown can hide any. In excess, black symbolizes evil, death, can create somber feelings and negativity, necessarily indicated to be combined with brightly colors to bring life. Black in therapy should be combined with other colors because amplify every color if used as background.

2. White - symbol of Divine Light

White is the most spiritual color symbolizes uncreated Divine Light. Because contains in itself all the colors has related to totality and Infinity. White elevates being, is the color of purity, openness to spirituality and Divinity. Fill all of shine and makes possible the manifestation of colors and shapes. It is the color that helps us see ourselves as we are, we accept and transcend the ego. White is highly used in probing the subconscious to bring to light the hidden and repressed parts of us.

White mixed with one of the other colors light up, so has the ability to purify and to elevate colors. White is related to an important characteristic, namely color brightness. Colors can be divided by the proportion of white light and dark colors. Near black, white creates the strongest possible contrast, is a color located in the extreme.

It is a good remedy for closed people who have a habit to hide and which are almost always in shadow. Purify the body, enhances and amplifies the effects of fasting, both body and spiritual level. Very useful to use in analyzing of self and self-knowledge.

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