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  Sacred geometry

1. Hexagon - the symbol of creation and manifestation

Hexagon is related to the number six which means manifestation. According to Genesis Bible, the world was created in six days. Hexagon fill in a beautiful and unique way the whole plane, thus placing the hexagons on each side can be to expand indefinitely. The network thereby formed looks like a well structured fabric, with levels closely intertwined and unified. Hexagon has related to molecular networks, cells and basis of the manifestation forms.

Hexagon consists of two equilateral triangles, one pointing up and one pointing down. Triangle pointing up is male and upside down is female, both are intertwined, hexagon symbolize the union of male-female, eroticism, procreation and fecundity. Hexagon can be obtained from the flower of life, so take much of the symbolism of this well known symbol. Hexagon unify the polarities in a very complex and comprehensive way. The hexagon is the beauty figure because of unique aesthetic shape.

Due to the complex balancing that performs, hexagon is very useful in healing. It is a good aphrodisiac because unifies many opposite aspects, sublime valences gives to eroticism, unifying it with affectional level. Because significance basic molecules and cells of the body can help any healing process.

2. Rhombus - the symbol of matter and spirit unification

Because rhombus contains vertical and horizontal directions simultaneously, we can say that is the symbol of the unification of matter and spirit. Unites heaven and earth, the direction of elevation, aspiration to divinity and horizontally material oriented. Because peaks represent the extremities of the cross, may be a close and direct connection between the two symbols.

Rhombus is a geometric representation of a universal Corresponding Law filed by Hermes Trismegistus by "As above, so below; as below, so above". Represents the unification of low aspects with the upper, so unify sexuality plane with higher mental plane, the functions of assimilation with the elimination, left to right and masculine with feminine. Rhombus synchronizes brain hemispheres activity.

Although it has the same number of congruent sides as square, diamond is a dynamic figure, generating energy and motion.

Rhombus unites and harmonizes the functions of breathing, digestion and excretion. Traditional Oriental science of Ayurveda says that the disease is an imbalance of yin and yang (male-female), the healing process is actually the process of re-balancing, so the rhombus is geometric figure of healing.


1. Four - number of materiality

The number four symbolizes matter, stability, robustness, represent the four directions in the physical world. On number four builds resistance structure is the fundamental basis on which supports every aspect and idea. Also represents pragmatism, realism, logical thinking and organization. From here arise also negative aspects to the physical limitation that keep us earthbound and materiality. It can be said that the highest aspiration four oppose through weight and inertia that gives. Four is related to the seasons and the phases of the moon.

It looks like the figure four oppose spirituality. Due to the positive aspects as organization, determination and perseverance number four still help us very much in spiritual practices in transformation and evolution. It is also a number that can help in the initiation of couple relationships, business, due to durability that gives. By assimilating four number vibration or start date and time correlation of four can plan and launch large projects that require durability.

Correlates with the square and diamond from sacred geometry and brown and dark green colors.

2. Six - the number of creation and manifestation

It is said that God made the world in six days, thereby the six is number of creation and manifestation. Number six represent concentration and harmonious human forces that gives man spiritual beauty and nobility.

Because six is obtained by doubling of three can say that symbolism taken from three and add new aspects. Number six gives artistic and creative skills and help us maintain and develop their us a remarkable sense of balance and beauty. Develop intuition and artistic receptivity.

People who have assimilated the vibration of number six are blessed with great talent and to use genuine personal charm and charisma are thereby common to attract others to their side and get the support they need. For this reason six can be used in a negative sense. Without the next number six represent created without God and used in excess can give negative connotations, even evil.

Correlate with hexagonal from sacred geometry and green color.


1. Orange - the color of social

Orange is a color that creates a special atmosphere, familiar and warm. It is very useful during meetings, especially with strangers that facilitates openness, facilitates communication. Is the color charm excellence creates attraction and good mood.

Because is well tolerated by the eye and helps to socialize, orange is very suitable for decorating living rooms, guest rooms and places of seminars, workshops and conferences. Being close to red is also a color that enhance sexuality, only that aspect of communication, harmonious relationship.

As the second major of the colors, orange is a higher vibration than red also more radiant and brighter.

Orange is also a good aphrodisiac facilitates communication, mental and emotional openness to others, the group and society. It brings joy, optimism, enthusiasm and exuberance. Improves the bowel and kidney function has.

2. Blue - the color of relaxation

Blue is the color that brings peace, relaxation and recreation. It is a spiritual color that brings peace, understanding and harmony. Blue is soothing and induces inner calm, slow down mental activity favoring meditative and contemplative states . It is a cool color, depth which increases space, represents expansion and dilation in infinity. Because it is the color of the clear sky may be associated with the ascension and flying with afloat and weightlessness.

Together with purple facilitates living in the present and projections in time. By blue can live unified temporary aspects last-present-future, facilitates access to the Akashic cliches that stored in all stages of mankind.

It is recommended in treating upper respiratory system and throat. Being a cool color, soothing, can help reduce stress, mental agitation and fever. Blue also lowers blood pressure, muscle tone, breathing calms and reduces pulse rate. It is useful for tense people, restless and anxious. Relieves spasms and the tensions of any kind.

3. White - symbol of Divine Light

White is the most spiritual color symbolizes uncreated Divine Light. Because contains in itself all the colors has related to totality and Infinity. White elevates being, is the color of purity, openness to spirituality and Divinity. Fill all of shine and makes possible the manifestation of colors and shapes. It is the color that helps us see ourselves as we are, we accept and transcend the ego. White is highly used in probing the subconscious to bring to light the hidden and repressed parts of us.

White mixed with one of the other colors light up, so has the ability to purify and to elevate colors. White is related to an important characteristic, namely color brightness. Colors can be divided by the proportion of white light and dark colors. Near black, white creates the strongest possible contrast, is a color located in the extreme.

It is a good remedy for closed people who have a habit to hide and which are almost always in shadow. Purify the body, enhances and amplifies the effects of fasting, both body and spiritual level. Very useful to use in analyzing of self and self-knowledge.

4. Red - the color of energy

Red is an energetic color, warmest but the lowest vibration. Due to the low vibration is related to the physical, the material, passion and sexuality. It has an exciting action, mobilizing and vitalizing. In excess, creates stress, fatigue and excessive targeting of energy down even boosting animal impulses. Red dirt is the very symbol of negativity and evil.

Red light, combined with the white, pink approach and becomes pure color so with a large benefit potential, has to do with transmutation, transformation of all that is coarse and inferior in elevated aspects, has to do with negative emotions alchemizing.

In the current period of human evolution need more red light. The brightness of this color combined with the red specific properties, related to the current major trends oriented to the sexuality help us enormously to transfigure this aspect of our being. It is very helpful in eliminating sexual secluded prejudices in vision and perception change induced by erroneous connections that are made between sexuality and sin, between sexuality and animalistic negative impulses. The pure red sustain feelings of love, help us to open to adolescent loves.

Red is a good revitalizing and erotic refreshing. Increases vitality and is an aphrodisiac, stimulating virility and help feminine erotic opening. Increases heart rate, raises blood pressure and breathing frequency. It is contraindicated for people with high blood pressure.

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