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 Category >>  Spirituality
About my art
to the ineffable rhythm of love.  It is imperative to realize that the mind can mimic everything, can mimic so perfectly authentic spiritual life, spontaneous and natural that we start to believe it. The mind, by its nature, is unable to dance in the Divine rhythm because this rhythm is completely spontaneous and natural, it is impossible to follow the exhortations other than the heart and soul
 Category >>  Numerology
Golden number - universal Divine proportion
meaning x-1=1/x brings us to the equation x*x-x-1=0. The solution is 1,618… number that represents the golden number which can be found in the golden triangle of Pythagoras, the pentagon, the golden ellipse or spiral gold in the Fibonacci sequence which represents the natural growth. This special ratio is found almost everywhere in nature, in the human body and art. This is the principle that underlies the generation of fractals. Explain the design principle of everything in part and part in everything. It is primordial and universal law of harmony
 Category >>  Numerology
Seven - the number reuniting with Divinity
of his connection with the universe. It is a mystical number and also magic. Seven abound in religion and occultism, in legend and myths. There are seven wonders of the ancient world and the Middle Ages, the seven natural wonders of the world, but the seven great sins and seven virtues. Week contains seven days, seven musical notes, there are also seven outbreaks energy in the human energy body (chakras). Also Gospels and Revelation contain many references to the number seven
 Category >>  Sacred Geometry
Spiral - a symbol of evolution
the spiral is the symbol of evolution on all levels of being, especially the spiritual. Following the dynamics of the spiral from the center we obtain a quantitative evolution, enrichment pointing outwards, to manifestation, to the periphery. From the periphery, spiral dynamics leads easily and naturally to the center, being opposite by labyrinth from this viewpoint. It's a great way to focus the attention, centering disturbing energies, optimization of evolution and reminder of the spiritual mission in this lifetime. Being completely open always able growth

The most searching words: emrys, ratio, sacred geometry, forma, strong, right, life, sacred, light, spirit, mandala, geometry, color, creat, symbol, love, because, divin, divine, art, spiritual, star, univers, open, number, help, magic, mandalas, blue, electronic music, flower, music, create, world, galleries, aspect, being, chromatic, numerology, creation

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