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Cosmic orgasm

Item: 503
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1. Five - the number of human perfection

Five is the number of human perfection, the human body enroll in pointing up pentagon with five peaks. There are five senses (hearing, touch, sight, taste and smell), five major organs (brain, heart, liver, lungs and kidneys), five fingers on each hand and each foot.

Five gives sharp intellect, outstanding creative, clever thinking, insightful and dynamic. Number five is related to freedom and the search for an ideal way of life. It is very active but changeable, restless and unstable. In association with four get a balanced combination, complementary and comprehensive.

Because five, adds a dimension of four can say that is the number that opens perception to other plans, is a gateway to invisible and higher astral and elevated worlds. Five also represents the middle because it was the middle of the numbers, so it is a number that may enhance and shade valency of other numbers is number of successful combinations.

Correlate with the pentagon and five-star peaks of sacred geometry and yellow color.


1. Blue - the color of relaxation

Blue is the color that brings peace, relaxation and recreation. It is a spiritual color that brings peace, understanding and harmony. Blue is soothing and induces inner calm, slow down mental activity favoring meditative and contemplative states . It is a cool color, depth which increases space, represents expansion and dilation in infinity. Because it is the color of the clear sky may be associated with the ascension and flying with afloat and weightlessness.

Together with purple facilitates living in the present and projections in time. By blue can live unified temporary aspects last-present-future, facilitates access to the Akashic cliches that stored in all stages of mankind.

It is recommended in treating upper respiratory system and throat. Being a cool color, soothing, can help reduce stress, mental agitation and fever. Blue also lowers blood pressure, muscle tone, breathing calms and reduces pulse rate. It is useful for tense people, restless and anxious. Relieves spasms and the tensions of any kind.

2. Black - the color of the unknown and mystery

Black is the color of the unknown and mystery is a color full of potential. It has to do with vacuum and the nothing, but also create the framework and opportunity for other colors expressions. Black background amplify all colors, enhance and open by contrast. It is used to create limits, contours and contrasts, amplify the impact and effect of forms.

Black is related to an important characteristic of colors namely closure. Black close all colors mixed with increasing the mystery. Black is the color that gives profound, the sensation of depth. Captures, attract the viewer into the not surveyed spaces and project him to unknown. It is used to create deep emotions because in the dark and unknown can hide any. In excess, black symbolizes evil, death, can create somber feelings and negativity, necessarily indicated to be combined with brightly colors to bring life. Black in therapy should be combined with other colors because amplify every color if used as background.

Design by SaschArt
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