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  Sacred geometry


1. Seven - the number reuniting with Divinity

Seven is the spirit number, of reuniting with divinity symbolizing belief in God and the higher Divine forces. Tions that overcome land represent and start overcoming spiritual evolution. Seven speaks about openness to the inner depths of the human being needs to be able to penetrate the mysteries of the soul and spirit, of his connection with the universe.

It is a mystical number and also magic. Seven abound in religion and occultism, in legend and myths. There are seven wonders of the ancient world and the Middle Ages, the seven natural wonders of the world, but the seven great sins and seven virtues. Week contains seven days, seven musical notes, there are also seven outbreaks energy in the human energy body (chakras). Also Gospels and Revelation contain many references to the number seven.

Seven is the number of complete man, perfect, fully realized human and with divinity reunited. He represent the threshold of human development where man begins to enter in order of wider existence, deeper and more comprehensive than the purely personal. It number transcending of ego and reintegration in absolute.

Correlate with Heptagon and the seven peaks star from sacred geometry and blue color.

2. Two - the number of primordial duality

Two is the number of primordial duality, the one born two of first as creating the first dual pair, complementary. Two is all dual pairs of manifestation but also a unique way to return to the reunification of opposites. Number two is related to creation because without this number it is not possible to differentiate the unique in various aspects.

This number represents two primary forces, universal, original trends, ie attraction and repulsion of dualities, north-south, plus-minus, male-female. In all creation we see this infinitely rich game of polarities, directions, tendencies, this eternal love game's. Every part has a counterpart, this universal law of polarities available can help us in many aspects of life if we understand well and correctly apply.

Number two is couple number of forces, if we understand the deep meanings, we can strike a balance and a great control over the manifestation. Symmetry Emrys's work is based and emphasize the two number. Number two has to do with the number of gold that is revealed to us the mystery of division and primary ratio.

On the other hand two number may also represent the evil forces, the primary separation, the break connection with divinity and ego. Therefore, it is important the vision what we have, we see differences and separation or unity and complementarity.

Second number is a number of healing it can bring balance between polarities, between yin and yang, balance body functions can. With one number two great therapeutic valences gets.

Correlate with the line of sacred geometry and the purple color.

3. One - the unique God number

Number one is the one God number, the entire absolutely undivided and undifferentiated. Number one it is related to the geometric point is the center of everything, all the numbers have gone from one, is the unification of all dualities and opposites, the male-female polarity, up-down, light-darkness, good-evil, life-death . In the tantric spiritual tradition symbolizes the lingam full of force and potency.

Number one contains all and start all from it, is totality, beginning and origin, the initial impulse. One also represents individuality, uniqueness. On a personal level, beings are characterized by one are unifying, peace loving, we can say that is simultaneously leader typology, the innovator, the opener roads.

Well there is also a negative aspect, beings characterized by number one can be individualistic, overly excessively authoritative and selfish, ego-centered, in this sense number one can also represent the primary egotistic impulse.

Originally The One split and projected herself in all its divisions, thus created the world of names and forms, the world which unites back in same Unique Divine. Through one number can enter in communion with the One Divine.

It is a very good remedy for non-unified human beings, dissociated inside, out of focus, with a tendency to excessive externalize, changeable and scattered.

Correlates with the point and the circle of sacred geometry and the white color.


1. Blue - the color of relaxation

Blue is the color that brings peace, relaxation and recreation. It is a spiritual color that brings peace, understanding and harmony. Blue is soothing and induces inner calm, slow down mental activity favoring meditative and contemplative states . It is a cool color, depth which increases space, represents expansion and dilation in infinity. Because it is the color of the clear sky may be associated with the ascension and flying with afloat and weightlessness.

Together with purple facilitates living in the present and projections in time. By blue can live unified temporary aspects last-present-future, facilitates access to the Akashic cliches that stored in all stages of mankind.

It is recommended in treating upper respiratory system and throat. Being a cool color, soothing, can help reduce stress, mental agitation and fever. Blue also lowers blood pressure, muscle tone, breathing calms and reduces pulse rate. It is useful for tense people, restless and anxious. Relieves spasms and the tensions of any kind.

2. Red - the color of energy

Red is an energetic color, warmest but the lowest vibration. Due to the low vibration is related to the physical, the material, passion and sexuality. It has an exciting action, mobilizing and vitalizing. In excess, creates stress, fatigue and excessive targeting of energy down even boosting animal impulses. Red dirt is the very symbol of negativity and evil.

Red light, combined with the white, pink approach and becomes pure color so with a large benefit potential, has to do with transmutation, transformation of all that is coarse and inferior in elevated aspects, has to do with negative emotions alchemizing.

In the current period of human evolution need more red light. The brightness of this color combined with the red specific properties, related to the current major trends oriented to the sexuality help us enormously to transfigure this aspect of our being. It is very helpful in eliminating sexual secluded prejudices in vision and perception change induced by erroneous connections that are made between sexuality and sin, between sexuality and animalistic negative impulses. The pure red sustain feelings of love, help us to open to adolescent loves.

Red is a good revitalizing and erotic refreshing. Increases vitality and is an aphrodisiac, stimulating virility and help feminine erotic opening. Increases heart rate, raises blood pressure and breathing frequency. It is contraindicated for people with high blood pressure.

3. Violet - elevated and spiritual color

Violet is the color with the highest vibration from colors in the spectrum. Thus, is the most spiritual color after white. It is the color of interiorization, of our Divine essence revelation. It is the color of spirit elevation, of clairvoyant. Violet is color of spiritual depths revelation and communication with spirits from other planes. It is a magical color, subtle and full of deep spiritual meanings. Violet is the color of the initiated, magicians and occultism.

Violet is the color deep, depth. Give us a very pleasant feeling, is very sweet and attractive. It is a complex color paradoxically combining the energy and warmth of red with cold blue. Color is hard to find in nature, that seems to be reserved for special conditions, is associated with extravagant and unusual. Lilac purple, being specific to feminine suggest refinement, grace and elegance, is special and unique.

It is a good remedy for atheist people, demoralized, no longer believe in anything and blame the lack of meaning and purpose in life. It's great for bringing hope, out from routine to opening new spiritual horizons. Violet acting directly on brain functions, facilitates penetration of mental and activates the right hemisphere and other unused areas of the brain.

4. Yellow - the color of the will

Yellow is the color of the will, the force of action and achievement. Is a solar color specific masculine. Is the color of wisdom, self-confidence and trust in the Divine. Because it is associated with will, dirty yellow is the color of individuality, the egotistic will broken universe and divinity connection, is ego color. Will can be pointed in a benefic direction, according to divine but also in the reverse direction, the pure yellow harmonizes being at will level, reducing feelings of enervation, violence and anger.

Yellow is a radiant color that comes strongly towards the viewer, comes in evidence easily, creating strong contrasts with dark colors especially black. It is a suitable color for advertising that comes with power, aggressively towards the viewer's, attention poaching.

Has a good influence to the solar plexus and digestive fire favors improving digestion and assimilation of food. Simultaneously increases concentration and speed reaction. Color also suggests wisdom and help us restore spiritual connection with nature and with others. Yellow cleaner is very useful for violent people, irritable, impulsive, which angry from any.

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